Year Six
Welcome to Dolphin Class!
Our teachers are Mrs Marshman and Mrs Goss Our teaching assistants are Mrs Wilcher and Mrs Denby-Jones.
Welcome to Orca Class!
Our teacher is Mrs Patel and our teaching assistants are Mrs Wood and Mrs Thomas.
Please click here for the Year 6 'Meet the Teacher' presentation
Spring Term 2024
Welcome to our Year 6 class page!
Below is an outline of the learning that will take place this term.
English Key Text: Shackleton's Journey
- To read fluently and comprehend a range of age-appropriate text types and genres.
- To determine the meaning and morphology of new vocabulary.
- To use appropriate intonation, tone and volume when reading.
- To understand the use of a semi-colon within a list and apply this within a piece of writing.
- To identify and understand the key features of an explanation text.
- To write an explanation text, using the correct features.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar:
- To use semi colons within a super-list.
- To ensure correct subject, verb agreement.
- To use bullet points effectively.
- To select appropriate grammar and vocabulary and understand how such choices can change and enhance meaning.
- To use knowledge of morphology and etymology to support spelling.
- To solve problems involving relative sizes of two quantities.
- To solve problems involving similar shapes using scale factors.
- To use simple formulae.
- To express missing number problems algebraically.
- To find pairs of numbers that satisfy equations with two unknowns.
- To identify the value of each digit in numbers given to 3 decimal places and to multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000 giving answers up to 3 decimal places.
- To multiply and divide numbers with up to 2 decimal places by whole numbers.
- To know the symbols and the conventions that are used to represent electrical components.
- To know how to organise a working electric circuit and how to draw a circuit diagram using the correct symbols.
- To know that the brightness of a bulb is associated with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit.
- To know that different things can affect how components behave in a circuit.
- To know how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches.
- To know how to use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram.
- To know how electrical components interrelate and use this knowledge to make a working device.
- To understand the structure of the Earth and show how it is made up of tectonic plates.
- To understand how mountains form and the different types of mountains.
- To describe how an earthquake occurs and understand how an earthquake is measured and recorded.
- To describe the consequences of an earthquake on the surrounding area.
- To understand the variation in the occurrence of earthquakes around the world (case study: Chile).
- To compose an 8-bar piece on percussion in 3-time and using chords F & C.
- To sing a round accurately and in a legato style.
- To sing a chorus in two-part harmony with dancing on the beat.
- To identify changes in texture between parts moving together (homophonic texture) and parts moving independently (polyphonic texture)
- To discuss more complex personal oral opinions about pieces of art
- To orally describe their work and the work of others, describing the formal elements of colour, line,
- To explore metamorphosis and surrealism
- To know and use proportion successfully
- To draw demonstrating a secure understanding of line, tone, scale, texture and depth
- To secure techniques to create intricate patterns using different grades of pencil and other implements/media to create lines, marks and develop tone.
- To draw with a variety of media, thinking about how to combine them.
- To know questions which can be answered using data.
- To know that objects can be described using data.
- To know that formulas can be used to produce calculated data.
- To know how to apply formulas to data, including duplicating.
- To create a spreadsheet to plan an event.
- To know suitable ways to present data.
- To know ones own strengths and how to set challenges.
- To set steps ( and success criteria) in order to reach intended goals.
- To identify problems in the world that cause personal concern and be able to talk about them.
- To know some ways in which people can work with others to make the world a better place.
- To understand the emotions felt when considering difficulties within the world
- To know and use vocabulary based around school subjects and opinions
- To tell the time
- To ask questions using adverbials of time
- To use the phonics eu/ai/in
- To practise writing by compiling a letter to penfriends in France
- To know what matters most to Christians and Humanists.
- To recognise the importance of rules.
- To recognise and understand the codes for living that Humanists people use.
- To recognise and understand the codes for living that Christians use.
- To recognise what codes are important in our lives.
PE: Tennis and Basketball
- To control the accuracy and speed of forehand and backhand shots.
- To understand when to play a volley shot.
- To develop control and aim of overarm serve.
- To play shots on both sides of the body and above head with accuracy.
- To improve dribbling skills under pressure.
- To improve passing and dribbling within a game situation.
- To improve ability to pivot and pass.
- To improve ability to mark a player and a ball.
- To use a variety of skills and tactics to keep possession.
Both Year 6 classes will have PE on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please can children wear their PE kits to school and have earrings taken out on these days.
For more information on our remote learning offer for those of you learning at home, please click here.
Click here to see the expectations for reading, writing and maths in Year 6
For more information on the learning taking place this term, please see the Year 6 curriculum map below.
As well as accessing our broad curriculum, our pupil offer outlines the additional opportunities your child will have whilst in Year 6.
Curriculum Maps
Class Timetable
Homework in Year 6
Daily Reading
We encourage all children to read at home daily and a note to be written in their reading journal. If the school book has been completed then please read and share any other books/comics you have at home. These can also be recorded in the reading journal and can count towards the number of daily reads.
Spelling will be sent home on a Friday and will tested the following Friday
SPaG activities will be set on Fridays and will need to be completed by the following Friday.
Maths arithmetic
Arithmetic questions will be set on Fridays and will need to be handed in on the following Wednesday.
TT Rockstars
We suggest working on TT Rockstars for 15 minutes a week; however you can do more should you wish. Specific timestables will be set for your child and this programme aims to increase the fluency of these. This is an online maths game that can be accessed on tablet, ipads and desktops
English in Year Six
Reading in Year Six
By the end of year 6, we expect our children's reading to be fluent and effortless across all subjects. They will understand the majority of terms needed for discussing what they hear and read such as metaphor, simile, analogy, imagery, style and effect. Children will learn the skill of summarising the main ideas from more than one paragraph and be able to provide justifications for their views about a book. Within non-fiction texts, we would expect our children to be able to apply the skills of information retrieval in contexts where they are genuinely motivated to find out information, such as reading information leaflets before a gallery or museum visit.
Writing and SPaG in Year Six
By the end of Year 6, the children will be able to reflect an understanding of the audience for, and the purpose of, a piece of writing by selecting appropriate vocabulary and grammar. They need to ensure the consistent and correct use of tense throughout a piece of writing and use further organisational devices to structure text and guide the reader, for example headings, hyphens, bullet points and underlining.
Children will be encouraged to use dictionaries to check the spelling and meaning of words. They will understand and apply the difference between informal speech and vocabularly appropriate for formal sppech and writing. They will use the passive voice to affect the presentation of information in a sentence and use layout devices to structure texts. Throughout their writing, the children will be encouraged to use colons to introduce a list and add extra information.
Maths in Year Six
In year 6, the children will continue to develop fluency throughout the different areas of mathematics. They will be able to round any whole number and use negative numbers in context. They will use formal methods of long multiplication to multiply four digit numbers by a two-digit number and use the formal written method of short and long division, interpreting remainders according to the context. The children will be given opportunities to solve addition and subtraction problems in context, deciding operations and methods to use and explain why.
When working with fractions, the children will recall and use equivalence between fractions, decimals and percentages and be able to solve calculations involving fractions. The children will be given opportunities to solve problems involving the calculation of percentages and use of percentages for comparison.
The children will develop their understanding of algebra by using simple formulae and use, read, write and convert between standard units using decimal notation up to three decimal places.
With regards to shape, the children will compare and classify geometric shapes based on their properties and sizes, finding unknown angles in any triangle, quadrilateral and regular polygon. They will draw and translate shapes on the coordinate plane and reflect them in the axes. They will have the opportunity to interpret pie charts and line graphs and use these to solve problems.